Updated Shared Health Guidelines in Response to the Spread of the Omicron Variant

The COVID-19 Omicron Variant has resulted in significant community spread. Shared Health has responded by updating a number of their Public Health Guidelines. The following (3) documents are of particular relevance. Please review and contact the College office if you have any questions.

1. Fully vaccinated individuals who have had infection with the COVID-19 virus (tested positive), are now required to self-isolate for a full five (5) days following symptom onset OR following their positive test result (if asymptomatic).
On day six (6), following symptom onset OR following positive test result (for asymptomatic), the self-isolation requirement will end. This is a change from the previous 10-day isolation requirement, and aligns with recent guidance from public health bodies and changes implemented in other jurisdictions.
What does this change mean for fully vaccinated health-care workers? For fully vaccinated health-care workers (with or without third dose booster), this change will allow a return to work on day six (6) following the completion of the self-isolation period. Fully vaccinated health-care workers who have received a POSITIVE COVID-19 test result may return to work on day six (6) provided they have been afebrile (without fever) for 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing medication. See the following link for more information on returning to work for fully vaccinated health-care workers.https://sharedhealthmb.ca/files/covid-19-isolation-period-changes.pdf (within this document, disregard any reference to OESH, this information is for healthcare workers employed by public health).

2. The following link provides answers to FAQs for the new Shared Health Guidelines. https://sharedhealthmb.ca/files/covid-19-self-isolation-and-return-to-work-faq.pdf

3. Shared Health has also updated their Screening Tool for Staff. A reminder it is your responsibility to self-screen for COVID-19 symptoms and exposure prior to reporting for work. https://sharedhealthmb.ca/files/covid-19-staff-screening-tool.pdf

The transmissibility of the COVID virus remains high, as such, the CDHM Interim IPC Practice Guideline remains in effect. It continues to be your professional responsibility to make treatment decisions based on whether the demonstrated health benefits of providing the treatment outweighs the risk of infection to the patient and the treatment cannot be achieved by any other method of treatmentIPC Guideline

Once again, thank-you for your continued commitment to providing safe care.

In health,    
Arlynn Brodie
Registrar, Executive Director