- The Dental Hygienists Act of Manitoba is passed as it receives royal assent.
- The CDHM Transitional Council is selected and begins work on the accompanying regulations and by-laws.
- The CDHM Transitional Council hires its first Registrar, Kellie Hildebrandt.
- The first registration of RDH’s by the CDHM Registrar and inaugural Board of Assessors commences.
- The Dental Hygienists Act and Regulations are proclaimed, bringing the legislation into force.
- Extended Practice RDH’s can now provide their full scope of practice independently in approved settings & programs.
- The first CDHM Annual General Meeting is held and the first Council is elected.
- The CDHM Council appoints its first Council Chair, Mickey Wener.
- The first Continuing Competency and Complaints Committees are established.
- The first edition of CDHM Connections newsletter is launched.
- The CDHM opens its newly renovated office at 109 – 420 Des Meurons St.
- The first Continuing Competency Program Coordinator, Sheryl Sloshower, the first newsletter editor, Tara Kinchen, and the first Extended Practice Coordinator, Mickey Wener begin work on behalf of the CDHM.
- The CDHM and MDHA launch the ‘Access to Care’ Support and Study Group.
- The CDHM Council hires its second Registrar/Executive Director, Stephanie Gordon.
- The CDHM Council appoints its second Council Chair, Patti Hawthorn.
- The first Continuing Competency report from members is submitted for review.
- The CDHM prepares for the new Regulated Health Professions Act which will legislate all of the health professions in Manitoba.
- The CDHM’S 5-Year Anniversary is celebrated!
- The CDHM Council appoints Terry Phillips Council Chair.
- The Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA) is proclaimed. All regulated health professions will be required to transition to this new legislation.
- The CDHM Council appoints Alayna Gelley Council Chair.
- The CDHM Council appoints Karina Hiebert Council Chair.
- The CDHM Council hires Arlynn Brodie as Registrar/Executive Director.
- The AGM includes a CDHM 10th anniversary celebration!
- The CDHM hosts an open house for the new office space at 610-1445 Portage Avenue.
- The CDHM Council appoints Carol Hiscock Council Chair.
- The CDHM celebrates it’s 15 Year Anniversary.
- The CDHM Council appoints Kathleen Reid Council Chair.
Former Chairs of Council
Transitional Council (2007-2008) Mickey Wener, Chair
Mickey Wener, Chair (2008-2010)
Patti Hawthorn, Chair (2010-2013)
Terry Phillips, Chair (2013-2015)
Alayna Gelley, Chair (2015-2016)
Karina Hiebert, Chair (2016-2019)
Carol Hiscock, Chair (2019-2023)
Kathleen Reid, Chair (2023 – Present)