CDHM Boards and Committees

Legislated Boards and Committees

Board of Assessors

Role: The Board of Assessors (BOA) is a committee of at least three College members who are appointed by the Council. The BOA review applications for registration and registration renewals. The Board of Assessors also approve changes to registrant files, place conditions and suspend or cancel licensure.


Happy Bhullar                   Johanna Grant

Casey Neudorf                  Melanie Peters

Heather Sirkovsky

Complaints Committee

Role: The Complaints Committee investigates and makes decisions regarding complaints brought to the College’s attention by the public, dental professionals, the Registrar, and other registrants. All complaints are brought forward to the Registrar/Executive Director and are then referred to the Complaints Committee for review and decision.

Examples of complaints that have been submitted to the College include:

  • Individuals practicing illegally
  • Fraudulent documents
  • Lack of professionalism
  • Practicing beyond one’s scope of practice
  • Breaches in infection control

Paula Larocque                                            Cindy Isaac Ploegman

Craig Johnson (Public Rep.)                     Chandra Shuwera (Chair)

Inquiry Committee

Role: The Inquiry Committee is responsible for holding hearings and making disciplinary decisions about the conduct of investigated members and matters referred to by the Complaints Committee.


Lila Jorheim MacInnes (Chair)                 Suzanne Munroe (Public Rep.)

Kristin Holt

Continuing Competency Committee

Role: The Continuing Competency Committee reviews registrant submissions to the Continuing Competency Program (CCP).


Vanessa Bromley                   Jennifer Schell

Karlene Harder                    Suzanne Morin

Tara Rempel

Committees of Council

Linkage Committee

Role: The Linkage Committee is a committee of Council which creates opportunities to link with all Manitobans.


Harriet Rosenbaum (Chair)           Joan Pelletier

Lezah Evan                                         Chelsey O’Conner

Geraldine Spence

Regulated Health Professionals Act Committee (RHPA)

Role: The RHPA Committee works to prepare documents for transition from regulation under the Dental Hygienist’s Act to the Regulated Health Professions Act.


Corinne Cutler (Chair)                     Charlene Cardinal

Karina Hiebert                                  Lorraine Glassford

Laura Macdonald                             Felonie Johnson

Council Development Committee

Role: The role of the Council Development Committee includes council governance and nominations and is responsible for circulating nomination information, as required, to fill vacancies on Council.


Lucie Boutet (Public Rep) (Chair)       Kathleen Reid (Public Rep)

Lorraine Glassford                                   Shelley Froese

Joan Pelletier