Registration Renewal Now Open

Registration renewal begins Monday November 1st and closes December 31st, 2021. Registration fees for 2022 are $540.00 for practicing registrants and $285.00 for non-practicing registrants. 

Reminders for 2022 Registration:

1. Option for registration fee payment using Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD).  Log-into your registrant account at, go to the side bar menu and click on Sign up for Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) where you will fill in your banking information. For more detailed instructions see this attached instruction sheet. This option for payment will be available until December 15th, 2021. Those of you who used PAD to pay for your fees last year do not have to sign up again, but please be reminded to complete the rest of the registration process by Dec. 31st, 2021, to avoid the late fee. Using PAD will decrease transaction fee expenses, paid by the College, by approximately $2.50 per renewal.
2. Criminal Record Check (CRC) for registration is NOT required this year; a CRC is not an annual requirement for registration, registrants are required to complete a CRC every 5 years.
3. Ethics & Jurisprudence Module is not currently an annual requirement for registration.
4. Current CPR is required for registration renewal; your CPR must be valid and uploaded into your registration account.
5. Valid Liability Insurance is required for registration renewal and requires uploading into your registration account.
6. Please be reminded there is a $200.00 late fee for renewals received after the December 31st, 2021, deadline.
7. If you have any questions regarding renewal, please contact the College office.

In health,                                                                                                                                                   
Arlynn Brodie
Registrar, Executive Director