Good Afternoon
In the wake of the COVID pandemic, the following information is provided for your review.
Directive from Shared Health Relating to Elective and Non-Essential Services for Health Care Providers
See the Directive here Download
CDHM Guiding Document
See the previously circulated CDHM recommendation to suspend all elective and non-essential dental hygiene services here Download
CCP Extension
Due to the extenuating circumstances related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the CCP deadline will be extended until July 1st, 2020. If a further extension is warranted, we will provide details in advance. Thank-you to all of you who have completed your submissions; a reminder that you can still go in and edit your submission at any time, even after you have clicked submit.
Canadian Dental Hygienists Association website
The site has a volume of useful information for your review.
CDHM Website, Twitter and Facebook accounts
The most up to date Manitoba Health/Shared Health information will be posted here daily.
Thank-you for continuing to respect the safety of all Manitobans.
Best wishes for health to you and your family.
Arlynn Brodie
Registrar, Executive Director