March 19th Message for CDHM Registrants
We are all now coming to terms with how COVID-19 is, and will be, affecting our lives. CDHM will continue to provide updates that impact the profession of dental hygiene. Daily updates, in the form of concise bulletins from the Ministry are available at the link below. We recommend this website for news that is accurate and reliable. Please see today’s link. We will also continue to update our Website, Facebook and Twitter accounts to provide you with important information. I have included information below from previous CDHM Announcements to again provide guidance around CPR and PAR requirements.
Extended Professional Activity Record (PAR) Deadline for 2019/2020 Continuing Competency Program (CCP):
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and in the best interest and safety of all Manitobans, the 2020 MDHA/CDHM Mix and Mingle was cancelled. Many CDHM registrants were planning to attend this meeting and use it as a PAR for their 2019/2020 CCP. The CDHM, currently, is granting a July 1, 2020 extension for the PAR for those registrants. This date may be revisited as news and updates regarding COVID are available. For those registrants who have already completed their PAR, these can still be entered on your Alinity portal for the April 30 due date.
CPR Grace Period:
Many of the CPR providers are suspending their courses until it is considered safe to resume. In the event you are impacted by CPR course suspension, the College will provide a 30-day grace period once the courses are up and running again. If your course is still being offered, and you
do not wish to attend, which would be recommended, the extension will also apply. We will provide sufficient time for all registrants to become compliant with their CPR requirements.
Thank-you for being socially and professionally responsible in the interest of the public, your colleagues, your patients and yourselves.
Arlynn Brodie
Registrar, ED