Message to Registrants – CDHM Staff Working Remotely

To CDHM Registrants

The CDHM staff will now be providing all essential services by working remotely to help Manitoba minimize the spread of COVID -19, all office functions remain operational. Emails and telephone calls will continue to be answered as normal, but we anticipate an increase in volume. We will return all messages within 24 hours. This action will remain in place until further notice. 

We are closely monitoring the spread of COVID-19 in Manitoba and will be responding to updated recommendations provided by Manitoba Health and Shared Health.

COVID-19 is a rapidly evolving situation and we realize timely information is critical to all registrants. We will continue to do our best to provide evidence-based information by consulting with Manitoba Health and Shared Health.

While CDHM does not have the statutory authority to make it mandatory to suspend dental hygiene care, we strongly advise all registrants to follow our recommendation that all elective and non-essential dental hygiene services be suspended immediately.

The CDHM understands that our national membership association, the Canadian Dental Hygienists Association (CDHA), is working with the Ministry of Labor and Immigration and with Finance Canada to request EI assistance for dental hygienists with reduced workloads and/or no work as a result of the current pandemic. They will continue to update you on a regular basis. 

We understand these are stressful times and we are committed to working with you to address these challenging issues and ultimately protect the public.

If you have any questions, emailing the College office is recommended. Regular updates will be posted on the CDHM website, Facebook and Twitter.

Thank-you for your patience and professionalism during this unprecedented time.

Arlynn Brodie
Registrar, ED