Mar 20 – Take the Survey Today! “To PAR or not to PAR?”

In our continued efforts to create a Continuing Competency program (CCP) that demonstrates competency and satisfies the competency program requirement in the Dental Hygienists Act, the CDHM is re-visiting the Professional Activity Record (PAR) component of the CC Program.

We have created a short survey to gather feedback from you, the registrants, which will inform the development of this component of our Competency Program. Click here to go to the PAR or not to PAR Survey

As you complete the survey please consider the following:

  1. How PAR activities are, or could be, a demonstration of professional competency.
  2. How could these activities inform your dental hygiene practice.

If you have never completed a PAR, please reflect on the criteria below before completing the survey questions.

PAR criteria:

  • A volunteer opportunity for dental hygienists.
  • Directly related to the dental hygiene profession.
  • A demonstration of active contribution to the profession and/or the oral health of Manitobans.
  • Often confused with learning (CCR) activities, such as attending courses, lectures, or webinars.

Thank-you for contributing to the work of the College, we appreciate your input!

Kind Regards,


Arlynn Brodie RDH, MHS, PhD
Registrar, Executive Director
College of Dental Hygienists of Manitoba