CDHM Council Call for Nominations

Read the “Call for Nominations” here – CDHM Council Call for Nominations

Download the “Candidate Nomination Form” here – CDHM Candidate Nomination Form

It is Nomination time at the CDHM! We look forward to continuing the work of the College and are excited to provide the opportunity for registrants to sit on Council!

We are limited by our Bylaws and the Regulations – only registered dental hygienists and appointed public representatives are eligible to be Council members. No one can do this for us – we need everyone to consider the next step for themselves – demonstrating the kind of leadership CDHM requires. Our registrants want growth, relevance, and long term positive change. Our task is to inspire, providing hope, and TOGETHER be a part of creating our future.

I urge all members of CDHM to consider if you are suited for and interested in a role on Council. We look forward to having a conversation with anyone who may be interested; please contact myself or Saima Klippenstein with any questions.

Saima Klippenstein:  sklippenstein@CDHM.INFO

Carol Hiscock:

Carol Hiscock,  Council Chair, CDHM   
Saima Klippenstein, Council Vice Chair & Nominations Committee, CDHM