COVID-19 3-Part ‘Mini- Series’; Part 1 – Information for Decision-Making

Download Part 1 – “Information for Decision-Making” here: Download

Good Afternoon 

As anticipated, transitioning back to dental hygiene practice has been a journey. Understandably, there has been some anxiety and confusion, but most importantly there has been learning and a professional attitude to do what is right to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Some of you have already returned to practice while others are preparing to return. You have had many questions around returning to practice and we have answered your questions; we thank-you for reaching out. When we face uncertainty, one of the most useful approaches is to look at what information already exists to guide our decision-making. 

The resources that exist, to assist you in making those sometimes-difficult decisions, include the CDHM Code of Ethics, CDHM Practice Standards and the Interim IPC Guidance document issued May 26th, 2020.

As a regulator, CDHM has a responsibility to set or reinforce standards, but we also have a responsibility to assist registrants in meeting those standards. In order to assist in your decision-making challenges, we have created a 3-part Mini-Series to provide guidance to some of your frequently asked questions.

As a dental hygienist, your clinical decision-making, for any treatment, is based on the individual oral health needs of the patient rather than standardized care, or routine procedures. Your treatment plan is created depending on the assessed needs of the patient (Darby,2012; Sawai et al, 2015). The implications of the COVID-19 virus has necessitated another layer of decision-making into your treatment planning.

I hope you find the attached content useful, 

Arlynn Brodie, MHS, RDH
Registrar, Executive Director