A Registered Dental Hygienist is needed to fill one (1) term appointment on the CDHM Council, spanning from the appointment date until the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) this October, 2021. The individual would be eligible for election to Council at the 2021 AGM. Council encourages registrants from all areas of Manitoba to consider serving. Upcoming virtual Council meetings are: September 10th & September 11th, 2021.
We look forward to welcoming your interest. The Council Member Candidate Nomination Form (Download), and Call for Nominations Notice (Download), which details eligibility, roles, and responsibilities are attached for your review. Please contact me at aszucsik@cdhm.info if you would like more information. The deadline for submitting your interest for the term appointment is midnight Monday, July 5th, 2021.
On behalf of the CDHM Council,
Aaron Szucsik
Chair, Nominations Committee