IMPORTANT Registration Renewal Information

It is a busy time of year; below are a few reminders from the office of the CDHM:

  • The Registration Renewal deadline is closing in. December 31st is the last day to complete your registration for 2023, leaving 15 days to complete your registration renewal to avoid a late fee of $200.00.
  • If you hold liability insurance with CDSPI, we understand you may not have received your memorandum of insurance. If you insure with CDSPI, please contact the office via email or phone and Annie will place you on a list so we can facilitate your renewal
  • NOTE: The Health Equity Module can be used as an activity towards continuing competency. The module is a requirement for 2023 registration renewal and can be found here. When completing the module, you can start and return to the module at any time, as long as you use the same device. If you are renewing your non-practicing registration, the module is not required for renewal. When moving back to the practicing register, the module will be a requirement for registration.

As always if you have questions, or are having difficulty with the renewal process, contact the College office for assistance.

Kind Regards,


Arlynn Brodie PhD, RDH
Registrar, Executive Director
College of Dental Hygienists of Manitoba