CDHM is Requesting Your Feedback

Thank you to everyone for completing your renewal for 2025. New for renewal this year was the Indigenous Cultural Safety Module. CDHM collaborated with Doretta Harris, Regional Lead of Indigenous Health for Southern Health – Santé Sud, to assist dental hygienists in developing skills for awareness and competency related to Indigenous healthcare.

With any new initiative, it is important to gather feedback and evaluate the process in order to inform future changes. To assist us in gathering feedback on the Module, we have created a short, (2 min) survey which can be accessed here:  Indigenous Cultural Safety Module Survey (2025 Registration Renewal).

Thank-you for your thoughts. The CDHM will provide a summary of the results in the next CDHM News.

Kind Regards,

Valerie Olivier, BScDH, RDH
Interim Registrar