The CDHM Council is made up of a minimum of 9 members. The composition of the Council is determined by the Dental Hygienists Act and the CDHM By-laws. The current Council includes 8 Registered Dental Hygienists and 2 public representatives appointed by the Ministry of Health.
The role of the CDHM Council is to govern and make decisions in the public interest of all Manitobans. Anticipating trends in society, health care, and the practice of dental hygiene, Council sets organizational goals and directions for the College by developing the College’s vision, strategic priorities, and values.
Current Council Members
Registered Dental Hygienists
Lindsey Harik |
Public Representatives
Strategic Direction – ENDS
The CDHM Council governs, and administers the affairs of the College in accordance with The Dental Hygienists Act. The Council manages College business through the appointment of the Registrar/Executive Director. ENDS Policies are Council policy statements that provide strategic direction for the College.
Ends Policies
E – 1 The College of Dental Hygienists of Manitoba exists so that people in Manitoba have ethical, competent dental hygiene care with reasonable stewardship of resources.
- Registered Dental Hygienists (RDHs) provide competent and ethical care to their full scope of practice in all settings.
- 1.1. RDHs use evidence-informed practice.
- RDHs have the increased scope of practice, cultural competence, and elimination of setting restrictions to meet the oral hygiene needs of diverse populations in Manitoba.
- Policymakers and the public are aware of the impact of oral health on overall health.
- 3.1. RDHs are recognized as primary health care providers.
- 3.2. RDHs work in collaboration with other health care providers.
- 3.3 Manitobans are aware of the role and contributions of RDHs in health care.
- 3.4. Policy makers have the information required to establish policies that enable equitable access to RDH care for underserved populations in Manitoba, including but not limited to seniors and children, indigenous populations, and individuals in rural and remote communities.